how can I help?
Supernan is one of the most powerful beings in the galaxy–that means there are lots of bad guys out there that want to take her down. Even with all of her powers and determination, she needs support from us to keep her going.
Alongside Supernan, we will take the pledge to bring little bits of happiness into a world that knows too much sadness. That is her mission here, and it’s up to us to stand by her and make that our mission too.
[learn more about Supernan, her story, and her powers here]
how it works:
- Do something nice for someone. This can be as simple as sending a text to someone you know is having a hard time, or as elaborate as volunteering at a homeless shelter. Make a donation. Make someone a treat. Make someone smile.
- Post a picture/story of you or your group in Supernan attire (anything blue, red, yellow, Superman related, or our certified Supernan t-shirts) on social media under the tag #smiles4supernan
- You don’t need even need social media: you can also submit your smiles to our email, or on a form here. We’d love to hear from you!
- Keep doing it!
- Do something else.
- Get your family involved. Your neighbors. Try a solo act. Spread smiles!
- Watch this blog for a chance to be featured, get updates on how Nan is spreading smiles, and get inspired by what others are doing.
- Spread the word! We want everyone to take the pledge. Every single person counts.
See? It’s so easy!
are you ready to take the pledge?